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Chapter Built Adirondack Chairs Debut at AirVenture

Leading up to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018, chapters were encouraged to construct their own Adirondack chairs and bring them along to convention. The chairs were to be used around the Blue Barn, creating a relaxing and inviting environment, which would allow chapter members to kick back, relax, and enjoy conversation with fellow members from around the world.

Chapter 932 from Wonder Lake, Illinois, and Chapter 850 from Marquette, Michigan, both designed beautiful chairs, using plans provided by Lowe’s. These chairs, which were scattered around the Blue Barn for the week, received many compliments for their design and comfort.

Your chapter is invited to construct your own Adirondack chairs and bring them to EAA AirVenture 2019 to show off your chapter’s craftsmanship and pride! Future chairs will be used around the EAA Blue Barn, as well as the Camp Scholler Chapters Pavilion. For required materials and plans to build your own chapter Adirondack chair, click here.
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