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Chapter Forums at AirVenture 2016 – Put ’em on Your Calendar Now!

Monday, July 25

Starting an EAA Chapter—Brett Hahn and Kyle Voltz

8:30-9:45 a.m., Forum Stage 4

Description: Want to have a slice of Oshkosh spirit in your community? Join EAA’s 900-strong chapter network. Learn about the tremendous benefits that await you and fellow aviators when you join EAA’s chapter community. We will step you through how to form a chapter at your airport or community.

Chapters: Engaging the Next Generation—Serena Kamps, Kyle Voltz, and David Leiting

11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., AeroPlane Workshop

Description: Want to learn how to spark the interest of the younger generation to become a part of your chapter? Hear from three young chapter members and officers who will share tips for recruiting and retaining the next generation of aviation enthusiasts to your chapter. Learn how can you keep them coming to your gatherings and events.

We will cover everything from use of the web and social media to chapter gathering content to engaging young people as chapter volunteers. You will learn that by engaging the next generation in your chapter, you will have obtained an energetic and valuable new resource!

Facebook Fundamentals for Chapters—Kyle Voltz

1-2:15 a.m., Forum Stage 2-Sponsored by GAMA

Description: Do you have a chapter Facebook presence? A Facebook page is an incredibly useful tool for chapter communication and recruiting and most successful chapters are using it. Join us to learn the basics of this powerful and free tool!


Tuesday, July 26

Create a Great Chapter Newsletter—Brett Hahn

1-2:15 p.m., Forum Stage 1

Description: Chapter newsletters are the backbone of communication in your aviation community. Discover new techniques as well as tried-and-true tips for assembling a world-class newsletter quickly and easily.

Is a Collegiate Chapter in your Future? —Brett Hahn and David Leiting

4-5:15 p.m., EAA Forums Tent at Aviation Gateway Park

Description: Students at colleges and universities across the country share an interest in aircraft design, piloting, and aircraft mechanics. An EAA chapter creates a wonderful opportunity for these students to come together and enjoy aviation on their college campus. Learn how to form and operate an EAA chapter at your university!


Wednesday, July 27

A Chapter Home: Rent, Build, or Buy?—Mike Estabrook

11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Forum Stage 1

Description: Every EAA chapter needs a place to call home, where members gather to socialize and learn. Hear Mike’s story and learn how to obtain a chapter home. Invest now in your chapter for generations to come!

Surefire Tips to Grow Your Chapter—Kyle Voltz

4-5:15 p.m., Forum Stage 2-Sponsored by GAMA

Description: Running a chapter takes time and commitment. We share the best tips and tricks from successful chapters around the nation on how to run your chapter, and also to grow it. Covers tips on operations, saving money, successful chapter gatherings, and recruiting strategies.


Thursday, July 28

Fundraising Basics for EAA Chapters—Brett Hahn

8:30-9:45 a.m., Forum Stage 3

Description: Having a stable income stream is crucial for any EAA chapter to be successful. It is the oil that lubricates your chapter machine. Stop by and discover easy-to-implement fundraising methods to kick your EAA chapter into high gear!

Recruiting Young Eagles Pilots—Aaron Wypyszynski

11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Forum Stage 4

Description: This forum will focus on both new Young Eagles pilots, and how current Young Eagles pilots and chapter coordinators can recruit new pilots. Particular detail will be focused on the benefits available to Young Eagles pilots.

Youth Activities in Your Chapter—Brett Hahn, Bret Steffen

4-5:15 p.m., Forum Stage 1

Description: Youth aviation activities are the lifeblood of any successful chapter. Take the next step - learn how to expand your chapter’s reach with activities for kids of all ages.


Friday, July 29

Website Fundamentals for Chapters—Kyle Voltz

8:30-9:45 a.m., Forum Stage 1

Description: Building a functional website doesn’t have to be a nightmare. EAA sponsors free chapter websites for every chapter. It has never been easier to learn website basics. Keep your events, contact information, event photos, meeting minutes, and newsletters organized on your chapter website. Join us and learn the basics of building a simple, functional website for your chapter!


Flying ClubsCharlie Becker

1-2:15 p.m., Homebuilders Hangar

Description: EAA has long believed that flying clubs are a great way to make aviation more accessible and affordable. Throughout the years, many members have approached EAA asking for information about establishing a flying club. To help and provide guidance, EAA has developed a flying club manual to address the unique requirements of EAA members who are on the path to establishing a flying club. We'll discuss how to start and maintain a flying club using the process outlined in the manual and answer your questions

Breathe Energy into Your Chapter—Lloyd Richards

1-2:30 p.m., EAA Canada Tent

Description: Presentation will involve audience participation; learn new ideas on making your chapter more interesting, and enable it to grow by better serving the existing members and attracting new members. Topics include sourcing speakers and chapter activities such as breakfasts, lunches, Young Eagles Days, safety seminars, joint meetings with other groups, and educational subjects.

Canadian Chapter Listening Forum—Brett Hahn and Chapter Advisory Council Members

2:30-3:45 p.m., EAA Canada Tent

Description: Join Brett Hahn, EAA’s chapter network manager, along chapter staff and EAA Chapter Advisory Council members in a town hall-style discussion; share your challanges and successes. This forum is specifically for Canadian chapter leaders and volunteers. Please attend and share how the chapter office can serve your chapter better.

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