Ray Scholarship Chapter Applications Now Open
November 2022 –
All EAA chapters and divisional chapters in the United States and Canada are now able to apply for a 2023 Ray Aviation Scholarship. Chapters can apply to receive a $10,000 flight training scholarship to be awarded to a deserving youth or young adult.
To apply, go to EAA.org/RayScholars and click on the link to the chapter portal, or go directly to the portal.
Chapters with at least one completed Ray scholar are also eligible to apply for the 50/50 matching scholarship, where the chapter commits to $5,000 of the funds and the Ray Foundation matches with the other $5,000. The 50/50 scholarship guarantees a chapter’s participation in the program next year.
The deadline for chapters applying for the 50/50 scholarship is December 31, 2022. These chapters will be awarded in January, after which they can begin nominating their scholars. The deadline for chapters applying for the full $10,000 scholarship is January 31, 2023. Chapter applications will then be reviewed in the first half of February, and chapters will be notified of their award status in the second half of February. Afterward, awarded chapters can begin nominating their scholars.
For 2023, your chapter has the opportunity to pair its Ray Scholarship with the Kylie Murray Memorial Flight Training Scholarship. This scholarship is meant to help deserving young women become pilots. To learn more, go to EAA.org/KylieMurray.
If you have any questions about this program, please let us know at rayscholars@eaa.org or call 800-563-6322.