So, Here We Are!
By Ian Brown, Editor, EAA 657159
January 2020 - An old year is over and a new one has just begun.
This is your newsletter. What you would like to read about are new projects, gizmos, and technology regarding amateur-built aircraft. We promise to give you more of what you want in the coming year, but you can help us keep this modest newsletter reaching the 6,500+ subscribers and EAA Canadian audience it was intended for.
According to our statistics, you most appreciate articles that relate to the technical aspects of building aircraft. If you are a builder or restorer, at any level of expertise, why not send in an article about your project? It could be as simple as a couple of paragraphs and a photo or two.
We're excited to have announced in an associated article that the Canadian Snowbirds will perform at Oshkosh after a short hiatus. Our Snowbirds love to come to Oshkosh, and we'll do everything we can to have you meet them, whether it's at the Canadian breakfast, the Tim Horton's coffee morning, the ice cream social, or at some other event.
I'd like to personally thank all of our contributors this past year. We have had some great articles in the last year and we look forward to your continued contributions in 2020. We encourage all readers to contribute to this newsletter, whether or not you have previously submitted something.
Happy new year to all our readers!
Ian Brown