Exemption Grants Canadian Pilots Medical Certificate Extension
April 2020 - COVID-19 poses a significant challenge to Canada’s health care system. Regulatory bodies at all levels of government are working to limit the strain on the system, as evidenced by Exemption #NCR-021-2020, issued March 17, 2020, which is an exemption from Subsection 404.03(1) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations.
To that end, all persons who currently hold a valid Transport Canada aviation medical certificate (MC) expiring on or before June 1, 2020, may continue to exercise the privileges of their permits, licenses, or ratings until August 1, 2020, subject to the conditions listed in the exemption notice dated March 17, 2020.
Furthermore, no medical examinations for new aviation MCs will be conducted until at least May 1, 2020.
All aviation MC holders shall continue to comply with the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) in all respects, and the CARs continue to apply in all respects other than the exemption noted.
Aviation MC holders are reminded that they shall not exercise their privileges if they cease to hold a valid MC by meeting any of the circumstances set out in section 404.06 of the CARs. Transport Canada’s website will be updated with the exemption information as soon as possible.