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EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

Let's Build on This

By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor, Bits and Pieces, Board Member, EAA Canada Council

July 2021 – Despite the “annus horribilis” as Lilibet once said, there are some bright ideas coming out of the pandemic-infested months we've gone through. One uppermost in my mind is the idea that chapters can have, or include, virtual content in their meetings, even when the pandemic is behind us. Hopefully you've been able to join chapter meetings that may even be thousands of miles away, as I have. One unexpected benefit is that the chapters themselves have been able to avail themselves of some wonderful content: speakers that would have been unavailable to them otherwise. Although there is a risk that your family will wonder why you're sitting in front of your computer every night instead of being available!

There is a series of eight videos on the Super Universal that our EAACC chair, Jeff Seaborn's dad, Clark, restored and flew around North America. This YouTube video link takes you to the first video in the series. It's a fascinating story and Clark spent 17 years of his life rebuilding, well actually virtually building from scratch, this Fokker Super Universal. What a story!

I'm pleased to receive newsletters from chapters who send them to I received one from neighbouring Chapter 55 in Mason, Michigan, and I was intrigued by a comment on fundraising. We're all familiar with the pancake breakfasts and burger grilling but how about just selling sodas and snacks, all the time? The reference I saw was to Klondike bars, but there is nothing at all to stop your chapter selling all sorts of products to raise funds, if you have the facilities for storing them. I'm even guessing an honesty jar would be sufficient. Convenience has to be worth a few pennies extra on the price of the snacks.

We're delighted to welcome Raquel Lincoln, EAA 1306824, to our Canadian Council. You can read all about her in a separate article. We hope she'll also be a regular contributor to our newsletter.

As always, a huge thank-you to all our contributors. Hopefully you and all see some light at the end of this very long tunnel.

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