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Well, That Was That! But Wait ... There's More!

By Ian Brown, Editor, EAA 657159

August 2020 – So, did you get to enjoy some of the Spirit of Aviation Week content? We hope so. It was excellently done, and we offer our thanks to the handful of HQ staff who did most of the heavy lifting. Kyle Ludwick, manager of partnership development and friend of EAA’s Canadian Council, and Sara Nisler, manager of digital marketing, did an excellent job in pulling this off. Overall, 56 employees were involved in the production of Spirit of Aviation Week and we appreciate the visionary leadership of Jack J. Pelton, Rick Larsen, and Jim Busha in making it happen.

If you missed anything, you can always go back to and watch the talks in archive form. I especially enjoyed the short video from Tim Buttles, who built his complete aircraft for under $6,500. You are sure to appreciate his creative use of spoons from his cutlery drawer. If you didn't find the time during SOAW to visit the exhibit section, I'd suggest that you will be amazed. It "feels like Oshkosh" with hangars A, B, C, D; the Fly Market; and much more.

If you haven't had your complete saturation of online aviation you might also be interested in another online chat show with lots of visual content. The presenter, Ryan Dobrowski, has some really interesting guests, many of whom you will recognize as being EAA staffers or well-known EAA members. This link,, will get you there. One show features Kyle revealing an impressive background of different aircraft he has flown. Beware: The shows are about 90 minutes long and you might find them addictive. It's not clear to me why the first five minutes of countdown are kept in the recordings, but you can just scroll forward to skip that.

Whether you're into vintage, military, air shows, or homebuilding, there is something for everyone. Why not stretch out your Spirit of Aviation Week to a month or two?

Those of you with half a million or more U.S. dollars to spend might be excited by the news that the Amphibious Waco YMF-5F is close to certification. This beautiful, high-powered biplane has already been delivered to two customers in its terrestrial form, and the amphib is expected to certify with the FAA around the end of October. What a great choice for our Canadian lakes!


The 300-hp Waco YMF-5F Amphib.

If you've been feeling stir crazy, and you're within striking distance of Ontario, check out the article on Trillium Aviators. You might like to join one of their fly-outs. As always, thanks to our team of dedicated contributors. You make our newsletter successful month after month.

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