From the Archives — A Chapter 65 Report From 50 Years Ago
By Ian Brown, Editor
August 2019 - As mentioned in our last issue, Chapter 65 celebrated its 60th birthday with a fly-in on June 6 of this year. Here is a report submitted on its 10th birthday 50 years ago.
Frank Zaunscherb, President
95 Cameron Ave.
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Just received a letter from Wendell Haines, director for Chapter 65, regarding some of their activities for the year:
"Chapter 65 has had very interesting meetings during the past year, winter and spring months. Our meetings have been informative, social and educational, with films, demonstrated talks on homebuilding, and a dinner/dance last fall.
"This spring we had a radio course for our members, at the completion of which the Department of Transport examined and passed 21 members.
"We have made donations to the Air Cadets, and to a high school aeronautical club for their building project, a Taylor Monoplane.
"In the fall, we plan to have an advanced aviation ground school which could lead to commercial-type examinations by the Department of Transport."
Nice to see they were engaging with the community of youngsters. — Ed.