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Canadian Countdown to AirVenture 2023

Raquel Lincoln, EAA 1306824, Chair, EAA Canada Council, Treasurer, Chapter 63

Some of the Canadian campers at AirVenture 2022: Will you join them?

January 2023 – Depending on when you read this, we will probably be around 200 days until AirVenture 2023! Have you dreamt of making the journey to AirVenture, but you were uncertain about how you’d find a camping spot? Or you camped at AirVenture once before and you didn’t care for the experience of not knowing anyone you were camping near? I have great news! For AirVenture 2023, EAA has allocated us 75 camping spots for Canadian campers — all together! Any Canadian member can camp in the area — you don’t even have to belong to a chapter. This block of 75 non-serviced campsites will only be held for a limited time. If you are interested in a spot in the ‘Little Canada’ camping location, please email me. We will need to know your name, address, contact information, your approximate arrival and departure dates, as well as your temporary AirVenture dwelling (tent, small camper, motor-home, etc.)

We are still developing our schedule of presentations that will be made in the Canadian tent. If you plan to be there, and have a topic you’d like to make an approximately 30-minute presentation on, please email me. Your presentation could be about one of your flying adventures, a documentary on your build project, aviation history, or anything else aviation related. These sessions are put together by volunteers — EAA does not pay for presentations, your travel, accommodations, or wristband. So what do you get out of it? Bragging rights that you’ve spoken at AirVenture 2023!

Often-packed tent with presentations on Canadian topics

Email with your expression of interest to camp with us or if you have a presentation you’d like to make. Best wishes and happy flying for 2023!

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