Happy New Year — What’s in Your Future?
Ian Brown, EAA 657159; Editor, Bits and Pieces; Washago, Ontario
January 2024 – We had quite a response to last month’s “When does it end” comments. I’ve added a couple of them to this edition. Yes, we’re mostly a bunch of aging aviators who face similar challenges. Fortunately, we also have some energetic youngsters getting involved. Your involvement with Young Eagles and other local activities ensures an active population. I was encouraged to notice that Aaron Crawford was not only the recipient of a Harrison Ford grant to help with his training cost, but also that he is already a vice president of his local chapter in Plattsville, Ontario.
I’m guessing that Bill Evans’ article on his “landing camera” plan will be well read. It turns out that brief articles on a gizmo or doodad that you figured you needed for flying is one of the most popular categories of articles. If you have installed something like that, why not share it with your fellow readers?
Curtis Penner, a frequent contributor to Bits and Pieces over the years, sent me this link to a flying adventure to Alaska. It’s 45 minutes of delightful shots of fabulous countryside. You may remember his article about obtaining his floatplane rating this time last year.
A big thank-you also to Raquel, Bill, Aaron, John, Fred, and Jerry, our contributors this month who deserve a pat on the back so if you see them, go ahead!
If you feel you have anything to contribute, please drop me a line at newsletter.EAACC@gmail.com. It could be brief, but ideally it would have something like 500-1,000 words and some special photos.
We hope you’re looking forward to some great flying in 2024. Happy New Year to all of our readers, and we hope you have a safe and interesting year in the air.