Hands-On Approach to Learning Garmin Avionics
March 2017 - Garmin announced it expanded pilot training opportunities for 2017 to include additional classes throughout the United States. In addition to scheduled classes for the GTN 650/750 touch-screen navigator series and G500/G600 glass flight display systems, on-demand classes for the G1000, G3000, and G5000 integrated flight decks, and supplemental e-learning opportunities are also available. These new training opportunities and locations provide a hands-on approach to learning Garmin avionics. The curriculum is for pilots with varying levels of experience, and it’s taught in a classroom environment by experienced, certified flight instructors.
For pilots who are considering an avionics upgrade, or for those who already have a GTN 650/750 and/or G500/G600 installed in their aircraft, Garmin is hosting several classes tailored specifically to flying with this avionics suite. This two-day course provides a collaborative environment designed to help pilots transition from analog flight instruments to Garmin glass panel flight displays. A presentation and practice format offers attendees the opportunity to practice real-world, in-flight scenarios with Garmin avionics. Training classes include a factory tour, lunch, and a Kansas City BBQ dinner. The cost to attend the course is $625. These classes are hosted at Garmin headquarters in Olathe, Kansas.
Pilots may also take advantage of training classes tailored specifically to the GTN touch-screen series. Several one-and-a-half-day classes are available for $495, highlighting loading and activating departures, arrivals, and instrument approach procedures, as well as flying holds, flight plan modifications, and more.
Classroom-based training opportunities are also hosted throughout several new regional locations within the U.S. this year. These classes will provide the same in-depth instruction offered at Garmin headquarters, covering the G500/G600 and GTN 650/750 avionics suite.