EAA Maintains UAS Position in Remote ID RFI Response
April 30, 2020 - EAA affirmed its support of the concept of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) integration and the general concept of remote ID while stressing that the burden of sensing and avoiding traffic must remain on the UAS, not on manned aircraft, in response to an FAA Request for Information (RFI) this week.
"EAA holds the position that UAS indeed must be integrated into the airspace, with no concessions given to UAS that would restrict manned aircraft in any operations that are presently allowed," the comments state. "Manned aircraft must also have priority over unmanned aircraft at all times and in all circumstances."
EAA remains steadfast that additional equipage requirements for manned aircraft are not acceptable, as they represent a major additional burden for the general aviation community to the benefit of UAS interests that are the new entries into the national airspace system. While the optional reception of remote ID location information may be a helpful situational awareness tool for manned pilots, it must not be required or used as the primary means of traffic avoidance.
The comments also reemphasized EAA's position that UAS remote ID requirements should be based on the risk and capabilities of the unmanned aircraft in question. The excellent safety record and limited capabilities of traditional model aircraft should be considered in the development of the final remote ID rule.