Senator Inhofe Introduces PLANE Act
July 23, 2019 - Senators Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and Angus King (I-Maine) introduced the PLANE, or Promoting the Launch of Aviation's Next Era, Act on Monday. The bill contains language that expands the airmen enforcement protections of the Pilot's Bill of Rights, improves funding for GA airports, and extends liability protection to FAA designees.
Other items within the bill include limitations on reexamination of certificate holders, due process enhancements for aviation rulemaking and exemption petitions, timely resolution of investigations, a public-private partnership program at GA airports to attract private sector funding, and funding and development at designated disaster relief airports.
This is the latest of many general aviation-friendly bills introduced by Inhofe, who introduced the Pilot's Bill of Rights and the Securing and Revitalizing Aviation Act, both of which contained numerous protections for pilots.