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Aeromedical, Legal Advisory Councils Continue Important Work Without In-Person Meetings

August 6, 2020 – Despite the inability to hold annual in-person meetings during AirVenture this year, the EAA Aeromedical and Legal Advisory Councils met virtually during Spirit of Aviation Week to catch up and discuss policy issues facing EAA members.

The Aeromedical Advisory Council welcomed a new member, Rolando "Roy" Diaz, Jr, M.D., of Odessa, Texas. Dr. Diaz is an avid pilot, AME, and EAA member, and is a welcome addition to the council as it looks to the future. The council discussed FAA policy related to several medical issues and also spoke about the ongoing implementation of BasicMed.

The Legal Advisory Council reviewed the current state of FAA enforcement policy as well as other legal issues. During AirVenture, council members host "office hours" at the EAA Member Center, hold multiple forums on legal issues, and host a Continuing Legal Education class for fellow attorneys. In place of their regular AirVenture forums, council members are holding monthly webinars to advise EAA members on legal and insurance issues.

Both councils are active throughout the year assisting EAA staff on FAA regulatory, policy, and legislative advocacy. They also assist members directly on any number of legal and aeromedical topics on a "members helping members" basis, with the same spirit as any other group of EAA volunteers. If you have a medical or legal question, call 800-564-6322 or send an email to

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