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Rolite Co. Donates Polish for EAA Ford Tri-Motor

  • Rotolite Aircraft Polish
    Photo by Connor Madison
  • Rotolite Aircraft Polish
    Photo by Connor Madison

October 31, 2019 - Rolite Co., a business located in Hartland, Wisconsin, which specializes in professional polishing products, recently donated products to EAA to help repolish the Ford Tri-Motor.

EAA Aircraft Maintenance Manager John Hopkins said Rolite Co. was thrilled to help EAA keep the Tri-Motor polished.

"They had been a big supporter in the past," John said. "They helped polish our P-38 in the museum and the B-25. So I reached out to see if they would be interested in repolishing the Ford Tri-Motor, and they were; they thought it would be a great opportunity to showcase their product."

Rolite Co. generously donated AP series 100 Extra Coarse, 300 Medium Coarse, and 400 Fine Course Aircraft and Bare Metal Polish.

"It's saving us several thousand dollars' worth of polishing products," John said. "It's a big help. When you go to purchase stuff like this, it's very helpful if someone is able to help us out, because you need so much of it. It's not like a Cessna 140 or something; the airplane is quite large, and it takes a lot of material to get it cleaned up."

The goal is to repolish the airplane throughout the winter months and have the Tri-Motor ready to fly by spring.

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