Low Wing – Metal
Sonex Aircraft, LLC
PO Box 2521
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2521
Telephone: 920-231-8297
Fax: 920-426-8333
Articles in EAA and related publications:
Year | Month | Page | Magazine | Article |
2009 | 02 | 16 | Sport Aviation | AeroConversions Offers Pre-assembled Prop Hub/Crankshaft Upgrade |
2008 | 06 | 23 | Sport Aviation | Sonex’s New AeroVee 2.1; Discounts for Workshop Attendees ¼ pg |
2008 | 05 | 24 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Celebrates 10 Years ½ col |
2008 | 02 | 05 | Sport Aerobatics | Sonex Optional Pre-Assembled Spars |
2008 | 01 | 17 | Sport Pilot | Sonex Introduces Labor-Saving Kit Options ¼ pg |
2008 | 01 | 26 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Releases Education Initiative Starter Packs ¼ pg |
2008 | 01 | 22 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Introduces Kit Options |
2007 | 10 | 97 | Sport Aviation | Unexpected Destinations: A story of time travel by Kerry Fores in his Sonex 4 pg |
2007 | 06 | 60 | Sport Pilot | Building a Sonex: A lesson in life by Jeff Schultz 4 pg |
2007 | 05 | 20 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Unveils AeroVee 2.0 Engine Kit, Receives Wisconsin SBA Honorable Mention ½ pg |
2007 | 02 | 48 | Sport Pilot | Cleanex Takes to the Air! Sonex kit #0694 with Corvair engine 2/3 pg owned by Chris Smith |
2006 | 12 | 18 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Sells 1,000th Plans Set |
2006 | 09 | 20 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Announces Education Initiative (1/4 pg) |
2006 | 07 | 93 | Sport Aviation | Sonex’s Stars Stand for Happy Kids (3 ½ pg) |
2006 | 07 | 34 | Sport Pilot | Simple Flying…{a cross-country learning experience} (7 1/3 pg) |
2006 | 07 | 22 | Sport Pilot | Financing Now Available for Sonex Aircraft (1/4 pg) |
2006 | 06 | 19 | Sport Pilot | New Trim System and Throttle Quadrant From Sonex (1/4 pg) |
2006 | 06 | 19 | Sport Pilot | Sonex to Host Two Fly-In Events (1/4 pg) |
2006 | 05 | 58 | Sport Pilot | Pigeons, Lizards, and Sonex (Member’s Forum) |
2005 | 09 | 19 | Sport Pilot | Sonex Sport Trainer ‘Spirit of the Sport Pilot’ Debuts (1/2 col) |
2005 | 07 | 28 | Sport Pilot | Just What the Doctor Ordered: How my Sonex nursed me back to health! (7 pg) |
2005 | 05 | 21 | Sport Aviation | Sonex to Launch “ST” (1/4 col) |
2005 | 05 | 16 | Sport Pilot | Sonex Introduces Sport Trainer (1/4 pg) |
2004 | 12 | 21 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Expansion Nears Completion (1/4 pg) |
2004 | 12 | 50 | Sport Aviation | Spicy Sonex: Tony Spicer keeps the first Sonex on the leading edge (7 1/3 pgs) |
2004 | 07 | 66 | Sport Aviation | Growing Capabilities: Sonex Ltd. Continues to improve the breed by Jack Cox (7 pgs) |
2004 | 05 | 21 | Sport Aviation | Sonex “Floats” New Option (1/4 pg) |
2004 | 03 | 14 | Sport Aviation | Florida EAAer Wins Sonex (3/4 pg) Member Sweepstakes |
2003 | 10 | 30 | Sport Aviation | New Sonex Ltd. Homebuilt Kits at AirVenture 2003 |
2003 | 02 | 08 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Prop Performance (Letter to Editor) (1/2 pg) |
2003 | 01 | 22 | Sport Aviation | GT’s New Prop Ups Sonex Performance (1/4 pg) |
2002 | 02 | 36 | Sport Aviation | Sunshine Sonex: A grass-roots airplane for the 21st century by Ed Kolano (Flying Qualities Report (7 pgs) |
2002 | 01 | 39 | Experimenter | First Flight Report – Sonex, Gary Johnson, Chapter 32, St. Louis (2/3 pg) |
2001 | 09 | 29 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Kit Now Includes Formed Ribs! |
2001 | 06 | 07 | Experimenter | Sonex Announces New Agreements with Jabiru USA and Sensenich Propellers (1 column) |
2001 | 05 | 24 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Offers Jabiru Power (Sensenich Prop Exchange (1/2 pg) |
2001 | 02 | 26 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Now Offers Finished Spar Caps |
2000 | 11 | 47 | Experimenter | Member's Projects: Tony Spicer's Sonex (photo & caption) |
2000 | 11 | 85 | Sport Aviation | Tony Spicer's Sonex #32 (photo & caption only) |
2000 | 04 | 18 | Sport Aviation | New Easy-Build Sonex Kit Announced (1 page) |
2000 | 02 | 27 | Experimenter | The Monnett Family's Sharp, Swift Sonex (5 pages w/ color photos) |
99 | 05 | 15 | Experimenter | Affordable Aviating-Sonex Ltd. Introduces their Tri-Gear Homebuilt (4 pages w/ color photos) |
99 | 03 | 5 | Sport Aviation | Sonex tri-gear (picture, caption) |
99 | 02 | 14 | Sport Aviation | Sonex tri-gear (picture, caption) |
98 | 10 | 08 | Sport Aviation | Sonex workshop |
98 | 09 | 07 | Sport Aviation | Sonex note-re workshop |
98 | 08 | 18 | Sport Aviation | Sonex Article, 9 pages, 12 photos |
98 | 05 | 05 | Sport Aviation | Hot Line (1 pg w/color photo) |
97 | 10 | 23 | Experimenter | Oshkosh ‘97 - Sonex "The Sport Aviation Reality Check" |
97 | 04 | 06 | Sport Aviation | The Sonex (1-page article w/ photos) |
96 | 03 | 05 | Sport Aviation | Sonex introduction |
EAA members can digitally view archived editions of EAA Sport Aviation here.