Hands, Mind, and Heart

What started as a handful of passionate enthusiasts has developed into a major force—and a significant component—of the aircraft industry.


Low Wing – Metal

Sonex Aircraft, LLC
PO Box 2521
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2521

Telephone: 920-231-8297
Fax: 920-426-8333

Email: sales@sonexaircraft.com
Website: http://www.sonexaircraft.com

Articles in EAA and related publications:

Year Month Page Magazine Article
2009 02 16 Sport Aviation AeroConversions Offers Pre-assembled Prop Hub/Crankshaft Upgrade
2008 06 23 Sport Aviation Sonex’s New AeroVee 2.1; Discounts for Workshop Attendees ¼ pg
2008 05 24 Sport Aviation Sonex Celebrates 10 Years ½ col
2008 02 05 Sport Aerobatics Sonex Optional Pre-Assembled Spars
2008 01 17 Sport Pilot Sonex Introduces Labor-Saving Kit Options ¼ pg
2008 01 26 Sport Aviation Sonex Releases Education Initiative Starter Packs ¼ pg
2008 01 22 Sport Aviation Sonex Introduces Kit Options
2007 10 97 Sport Aviation Unexpected Destinations: A story of time travel by Kerry Fores in his Sonex 4 pg
2007 06 60 Sport Pilot Building a Sonex: A lesson in life by Jeff Schultz 4 pg
2007 05 20 Sport Aviation Sonex Unveils AeroVee 2.0 Engine Kit, Receives Wisconsin SBA Honorable Mention ½ pg
2007 02 48 Sport Pilot Cleanex Takes to the Air! Sonex kit #0694 with Corvair engine 2/3 pg owned by Chris Smith
2006 12 18 Sport Aviation Sonex Sells 1,000th Plans Set
2006 09 20 Sport Aviation Sonex Announces Education Initiative (1/4 pg)
2006 07 93 Sport Aviation Sonex’s Stars Stand for Happy Kids (3 ½ pg)
2006 07 34 Sport Pilot Simple Flying…{a cross-country learning experience} (7 1/3 pg)
2006 07 22 Sport Pilot Financing Now Available for Sonex Aircraft (1/4 pg)
2006 06 19 Sport Pilot New Trim System and Throttle Quadrant From Sonex (1/4 pg)
2006 06 19 Sport Pilot Sonex to Host Two Fly-In Events (1/4 pg)
2006 05 58 Sport Pilot Pigeons, Lizards, and Sonex (Member’s Forum)
2005 09 19 Sport Pilot Sonex Sport Trainer ‘Spirit of the Sport Pilot’ Debuts (1/2 col)
2005 07 28 Sport Pilot Just What the Doctor Ordered: How my Sonex nursed me back to health! (7 pg)
2005 05 21 Sport Aviation Sonex to Launch “ST” (1/4 col)
2005 05 16 Sport Pilot Sonex Introduces Sport Trainer (1/4 pg)
2004 12 21 Sport Aviation Sonex Expansion Nears Completion (1/4 pg)
2004 12 50 Sport Aviation Spicy Sonex: Tony Spicer keeps the first Sonex on the leading edge (7 1/3 pgs)
2004 07 66 Sport Aviation Growing Capabilities: Sonex Ltd. Continues to improve the breed by Jack Cox (7 pgs)
2004 05 21 Sport Aviation Sonex “Floats” New Option (1/4 pg)
2004 03 14 Sport Aviation Florida EAAer Wins Sonex (3/4 pg) Member Sweepstakes
2003 10 30 Sport Aviation New Sonex Ltd. Homebuilt Kits at AirVenture 2003
2003 02 08 Sport Aviation Sonex Prop Performance (Letter to Editor) (1/2 pg)
2003 01 22 Sport Aviation GT’s New Prop Ups Sonex Performance (1/4 pg)
2002 02 36 Sport Aviation Sunshine Sonex: A grass-roots airplane for the 21st century by Ed Kolano (Flying Qualities Report (7 pgs)
2002 01 39 Experimenter First Flight Report – Sonex, Gary Johnson, Chapter 32, St. Louis (2/3 pg)
2001 09 29 Sport Aviation Sonex Kit Now Includes Formed Ribs!
2001 06 07 Experimenter Sonex Announces New Agreements with Jabiru USA and Sensenich Propellers (1 column)
2001 05 24 Sport Aviation Sonex Offers Jabiru Power (Sensenich Prop Exchange (1/2 pg)
2001 02 26 Sport Aviation Sonex Now Offers Finished Spar Caps
2000 11 47 Experimenter Member's Projects: Tony Spicer's Sonex (photo & caption)
2000 11 85 Sport Aviation Tony Spicer's Sonex #32 (photo & caption only)
2000 04 18 Sport Aviation New Easy-Build Sonex Kit Announced (1 page)
2000 02 27 Experimenter The Monnett Family's Sharp, Swift Sonex (5 pages w/ color photos)
99 05 15 Experimenter Affordable Aviating-Sonex Ltd. Introduces their Tri-Gear Homebuilt (4 pages w/ color photos)
99 03 5 Sport Aviation Sonex tri-gear (picture, caption)
99 02 14 Sport Aviation Sonex tri-gear (picture, caption)
98 10 08 Sport Aviation Sonex workshop
98 09 07 Sport Aviation Sonex note-re workshop
98 08 18 Sport Aviation Sonex Article, 9 pages, 12 photos
98 05 05 Sport Aviation Hot Line (1 pg w/color photo)
97 10 23 Experimenter Oshkosh ‘97 - Sonex "The Sport Aviation Reality Check"
97 04 06 Sport Aviation The Sonex (1-page article w/ photos)
96 03 05 Sport Aviation Sonex introduction

EAA members can digitally view archived editions of EAA Sport Aviation here.

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