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PPC & WSC Instructors

The FAA granted EAA exemption #8828G to allow Sport Pilot flight instructors who do not hold private pilot category and class privileges in Powered Parachute (PPC) and/or Weight-Shift-Control (WSC) aircraft the authority to train other pilots to private pilot standards if they hold a private pilot (or higher) certificate in any other category and class. The exemption specifically exempts these Sport Pilot flight instructors from the requirements of FAR 61.415(b)(1).

This exemption has been renewed every 2 years. The current exemption, #8828G, expires on January 31, 2023. Instructors must renew their exemption with EAA to remain authorized. This exemption allows pilots receiving this training to obtain their private pilot PPC and/or WSC certificates after completing the required PTS evaluation.

NOTE: Until Sport Pilot flight instructors receive a night flight endorsement from an authorized Sport Pilot Examiner, this exemption does not grant authority for Sport Pilot flight instructors conducting the private pilot PPC and/or WSC training to provide night flight training. The PPC and/or WSC private pilot certificate issued to these pilots will include a statement “Night Flight Restricted.” Sport Pilot Instructors requesting more information on the specific private pilot PPC and WSC night flight training endorsements and restrictions are encouraged to contact the FAA Light Sport Aircraft Branch, 405-954-6400.

The FAA has granted EAA the authority to issue Exemption number 8828 to individual certificated Sport Pilot flight instructors:

  1. Who are a current EAA member;
  2. Who hold at least a private pilot certificate (any category and class); and
  3. Who hold the corresponding powered parachute or weight-shift-control aircraft privileges at the Sport Pilot instructor certificate level.

If your EAA membership expires within 8 months of applying for this exemption, it would be in your best interest to call the EAA Membership department (800-564-6322) to renew your membership prior to applying for this exemption.

Prior to applying to EAA for authorization to use this exemption, you are required to read the exemption in order to understand its conditions and limitations.

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Sport pilot instructors who currently hold this exemption

State City Name Phone E-Mail Category And Class Instruct In Exp Aircraft?
AL Vestavia Anil Jacob 205-567-9800 info@airadventure.net PPC Yes
FL New Port Richey David C. Miller 727-247-6987 dmiller@gate.net WSC Yes
IL Antioch David M. Klein 973-879-5740 captdmk@gmail.com WSC Yes
LA Benton James Russell Gibson 318-230-3002 Fun2FlyJets@yahoo.com PPC Yes
ME Bethel Randy Autrey 207-381-0202 luv2fly03@yahoo.com PPC Yes
MI Sturgis Galen Geigley 574-286-9670 galengeigley@comcast.net PPC Yes
NM Sandia Park James F. Dempsay 505-269-5075 ulwing@newmexicotrikes.com WSC Yes
UT Eagle Mountain Kent H. Price 801-554-0015 khprice@aol.com PPC Yes

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