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Chapter Recognition โ€” 10-Part Series to Improve Your Chapter

February: Chapter Leadership Training Sessions

February 2019 - In 2019 EAA will roll out the Chapter Recognition Program. This program is designed to help chapters improve the experience for their local members and to recognize our many outstanding chapters. Chapter recognition will be based on how many of the 10 criteria a chapter meets.

The criteria are as follows.

1.         Current chapter leaders who have attended chapter leadership training.

2.         The chapter membership is growing or holding steady.

3.         The chapter offers an EAA IMC or VMC Club.

4.         The chapter participates in the Young Eagles or Flying Start program.

5.         The chapter has an EAA-approved flight advisor or technical counselor.

6.         The chapter partakes in the annual EAA Chapter Survey.

7.         Chapter leaders regularly read EAA’s ChapterGram.

8.         The chapter has used a ChapterBlast or ordered promotional materials.

9.         The chapter hosts at least two public events per year.

10.       The chapter owns or leases a facility.

Each month, EAA will highlight one of the criteria and explain how to take advantage of a potential new opportunity.

February’s Criteria — Chapter Leadership Training

Attending a chapter leadership training session is the number one way your chapter can begin to improve its operations, including managing your chapter, growing your chapter, taking advantage of chapter resources, learning about new chapter programs, and understanding chapter tax-exempt basics. No matter what you hope to learn at these training sessions, you will walk away feeling energized and ready to take your chapter to new heights.

Originally EAA only offered these training sessions in Oshkosh, but to help reach more chapter leaders, EAA now offers both the Oshkosh-based Chapter Leadership Academy and the in-field Chapter Leadership Boot Camps.

The Chapter Leadership Academy is a two-day interactive workshop held at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh to provide an immersive experience that will help you be a better chapter leader and offers a unique behind-the-scenes view of EAA. Attendees stay in EAA’s Air Academy Lodge, receive complimentary meals, and will participate in more than 10 interactive training sessions led by EAA staff all completely free of charge.

Chapter Leadership Boot Camps are one-day cram courses hosted by EAA chapters all across the country. These sessions will provide as much training as possible in an eight-hour period. The sessions are offered completely free of charge, and are kicked off with dinner with EAA staff and other chapter leaders the night prior to the training session.

Whichever session you choose to attend, you are guaranteed to find value. Many chapter leaders walk away from these training sessions saying, “I wish I would have attended a session sooner,” or “I want my entire board to attend one of these sessions.” Some chapters have even gone so far as to require attendance at an academy or boot camp to hold an officer position.

On average, chapters who have leaders who have attended a training session are 33 percent more active and engaged in their aviation community, and are more likely to maintain a vibrant chapter.

Visit www.EAA.org/ChapterTraining to sign up for one of our upcoming sessions.

Upcoming session include the following:

February 16 — Chapter Leadership Boot Camp, Houston, Texas

February 22 — Chapter Leadership Boot Camp, Seattle, Washington

March 2 — Chapter Leadership Boot Camp, Indianapolis, Indiana

March 23 — Chapter Leadership Boot Camp, Atlanta, Georgia

April 12-14 — Chapter Leadership Boot Academy, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

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