Chapter Recognition - 10 Part Series to Improve Your Chapter
September 2019 - This year marks EAA’s rollout of the Chapter Recognition program, designed to help chapters improve the experience for their local members and to recognize our many outstanding chapters. Chapter Recognition is based on 10 criteria, including how many of those criteria a chapter meets. .
The 10 criteria are as follows. Each month, EAA will highlight one of the criteria and show your chapter how to take advantage of a potential new opportunity.
- Current chapter leaders who have attended chapter leadership training.
- The chapter membership is growing or holding steady.
- The chapter offers an EAA IMC or VMC Club.
- The chapter participates in the Young Eagles or Flying Start program.
- The chapter has an EAA-approved flight advisor or technical counselor.
- The chapter partakes in the annual EAA Chapter Survey.
- Chapter leaders regularly read EAA's ChapterGram.
- The chapter has used a ChapterBlast or ordered promotional materials.
- The chapter hosts at least two public events per year.
- The chapter owns or leases a facility.
September's Criterion — Chapter Has a Flight Advisor or Technical Counselor
About Flight Advisors and Technical Counselors
EAA's flight advisors and technical counselors fall underneath EAA's safety programs. Building and preparing to fly a homebuilt aircraft for the first time can be intimidating. Flight advisors and technical counselors ensure EAA members have the necessary support from more experienced and knowledgeable members to make their journey of building and flying their own aircraft as easy as possible.
EAA flight advisors assist members down the right path to get them flying efficiently and, most importantly, safely. The program is designed to increase sport aviation safety through a corps of volunteers who have demonstrated expertise in specific areas of flying and making them available to EAA members who may be preparing to fly an unfamiliar aircraft or test fly their homebuilt.
EAA technical counselors are experienced airplane builders, restorers, and mechanics who volunteer their time to visit other EAA members who are in the process of building or restoring their own aircraft. The goal of this program is to help members present a "zero defect" aircraft at final inspection by the FAA. It is aimed at providing experienced builders to help members make the right choices during construction, saving time and money while providing peace of mind.
Why Are Flight Advisors and Technical Counselors Important?
Homebuilding is the cornerstone of EAA and equally important to chapters. In fact, more than 30 percent of chapter members said they joined their local EAA chapter to expand their homebuilding skills, knowledge, and support.
Having knowledgeable mentors to support homebuilding/restoring members is a great member benefit that also can be used as a recruiting tool. If your chapter has a flight advisor or technical counselor, this information appears on EAA's Find a Chapter page, so prospective members immediately know if these resources are available.
In addition to member support, flight advisors and technical counselors are great resources for presentations at chapter gatherings. Flight advisors can educate members on flying new airplanes and/or test flying homebuilt aircraft, which is sure to be an interesting presentation. Technical counselors can present on aircraft building or even demonstrate specific building techniques via hands-on workshops.
To learn more about flight advisors, visit To learn more about technical counselors, visit