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Chapter Recognition Program Announcements

August 2020 – EAA will be combining the 2020 and 2021 chapter recognition years into one period. The effort to combine years is due to COVID-19 and the significant challenges placed on chapters, especially in regard to chapter activities. In addition, EAA has slightly modified the 10 criteria for scoring chapters.

Program Updates

In 2019, EAA rolled out the 10-criteria Chapter Recognition Program as a way to recognize its most active and engaged chapters. At the end of 2019, EAA used these 10 criteria to award more than 210 chapters as a Gold, Silver, or Bronze chapter for outstanding service to EAA and general aviation.

As we entered 2020, EAA was fully prepared to celebrate another year of outstanding chapters. However, COVID-19 had other plans. Due to the shutdowns imposed across the county, many EAA chapters have been unable to participate in the activities traditionally held in the past. Activities such as Young Eagles flights, IMC/VMC events, fly-in breakfasts, and Flying Start have come to a near standstill.

Due to the challenges faced by chapters in 2020, EAA is combining the 2020 and 2021 Chapter Recognition Program into a single period. Therefore, any qualified activity that a chapter participates in, either in 2020 or 2021, will count towards the next round of chapter recognition scoring. The next set of chapter recognition awards will be issued in early 2022, reflecting the chapter activities that occurred in 2020 and 2021.

In addition to combining the 2020 and 2021 chapter recognition program, EAA has slightly modified the criteria, as follows:

Updated Criteria

  1. Attended a chapter leadership training session.
  2. Growing or steady membership.
  3. Offers IMC or VMC club programs.
  4. Participates in Young Eagles or Flying Start programs.
  5. Has an EAA-approved flight advisor or technical counselor.
  6. Participates in EAA's annual chapter member survey.
  7. Participates in Young Eagles Build and Fly, Young Eagles Workshops, or sponsoring a youth's Air Academy attendance.*
  8. Requested an EAA ChapterBlast email.**
  9. Hosts at least two public events each year.
  10. Owns/leases a facility.
  11. Extra credit activity such as a chapter build project, youth build project, chapter scholarship (separate from Ray scholars), a chapter tool crib, etc.***

* This criterion replaces ChapterGram readership.
** Requesting promotional material has been removed because so few chapters engage annually.
*** Chapters can submit for qualified extra-credit criteria beginning September 2021.

To learn more, visit EAA.org/ChapterRecognition.


Scoring will remain the same. Each of the criteria that your chapter has met will be worth one point, and every chapter will have the ability to earn up to 10 points and one extra-credit point. In December 2021, chapters scoring at least seven out of 10 will be publicly recognized by EAA. There will be three levels of recognition: Bronze (7 out of 10), Silver (8 out of 10), and Gold (at least 9 out of 10).

It is important to note that chapters are rated against the established criteria — NOT against one another. We also realize some EAA chapters are limited by resources, geography, and other factors. However, we encourage all EAA chapters to do what they can, as best as they can, to seek ways to aim even higher.


Chapters achieving one of these high recognition levels will be recognized via the EAA Find a Chapter webpage, news stories, a personalized icon for your chapter's webpage/newsletter, and a banner for your chapter to proudly display in its gathering location.

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