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Letter from Megan — Ray Scholarship Program Lead

January 2021 – Hello Chapter Leaders and Ray Aviation Scholarship Coordinators,

I am pleased to introduce myself as the new EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship program lead here at EAA in Oshkosh. I am humbled by the opportunity to be a part of this amazing program. Chapters like yours are truly making a monumental impact on the aviation community and, while I have big shoes to fill, I’m beyond excited to work with you on sharing The Spirit of Aviation with young pilots.

As some have already learned, David Leiting has been promoted to the role of manager of membership development, and that move provided with this new opportunity. I would like to start by thanking David for his amazing work on the first two years of the scholarship program. He has poured his heart and soul into this program and has truly made the Ray Aviation Scholarship an unforgettable experience for hundreds of EAA chapters and scholars.

Over the past few months, we have transitioned the program into my care. While some chapters have already worked with me on their scholarships, I wanted to formally introduce myself to the Ray Scholarship network.

I will also remind you that the 2021 Chapter Application is now available. The 50/50 match application process closed at the end of 2020, but January 31, 2021, is the deadline for the full $10,000 scholarship.

Additionally, I invite you to register to attend one of two webinar events where I will discuss the 2021 EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship program and some changes coming in the next year. You can register for either time slot here.

You can find my direct contact information listed below. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions that come up and I look forward to working with you!


Blue Skies,

Megan Hart

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