Oshkosh Warbirds Squadron 32 Enjoys Holiday Party
Kristin Schaick, Warbird 32 Commanding Officer, EAA 740388, Warbirds 599384
February 15, 2022– Oshkosh Warbirds Squadron 32 held a very successful holiday party on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. In spite of the rise in COVID cases and the weather giving us spots of black ice everywhere, the turnout was impressive! We ended up with four new members, and a few visitors that we weren’t expecting! We ended up with about 20 people participating. We had our party at the Military Veterans Museum and Education Center where we arrived to find the stage already set. Tables and chairs were set up, table cloths neatly placed on the tables, and all we had to do was decorate a bit and set out the food. Instead of holding our usual potluck dinner, with all homemade food, we decided to cater in Arby’s. We had their famous roast beef and delicious chicken strips. The squadron purchased all of the fixings, with the members bringing a dish to pass if they chose to do so.
We started out our meeting with the pledge, and a moment of silence for those who have passed. We then had a small meeting along with the presentation of squadron awards. The most important award given that night was the MVP award given to Gary Otto, EAA 145017, with the CAF Wisconsin Wing. This award was given for all of his help, education, and time and planning for our fly-ins, along with some awesome ideas our squadron is thinking about partaking in. We are very excited about our partnership with Gary and the CAF Wisconsin Wing. Without him and his help, we would have never gotten our first fly-in off of the ground. We are already in the midst of planning our next fly-in! Thank you, Gary! Thanks to Stu Tribbey, President of the Military Veterans Museum and Education Center. And thanks to our great members and officers who help to make the squadron a success!