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EAA Sport Aviation Extras

Below you'll find videos, photo galleries, links, spreadsheets, and an assortment of other resources that correspond with content in this month's issue of EAA Sport Aviation, EAA's flagship magazine. 

ViewThis Month's Extras Archives

EAA Sport Aviation - September 2017

Sport Aviation September 2017

Page 6—Letters to the Editor

Website: Chicken Wings Comics

Page 8—Advocacy

Website: EAA Advocacy and Safety

Website: TruTrak STC order form


Page 10—Flightline/News From HQ

Website: Meet Aviore

Website: EAA Young Eagles Program

Website: EAA Launches Campaign to Restore B-25

Website: EAA B-25 restoration page

Website: Group Donates Replica of First Fighter Plane to EAA

Website: Freedom of Flight Award

Website: Dick Koehler Named Chairman's Award Recipient

Website: Samson Unveils Switchblade Flying Sports Car

Website: Switchblade flying sports car project

Website: Gathering of Eagles Raises $2 Million for Youth Education

Website: Stratos Unveils Long-Awaited VLJ

Website: Eclipse 700 Jet on Track for Certification


Page 14—Innovation

Website: Boom XB-1 Supersonic Demonstrator


Page 38—Plane Talk

Website: Lauran Paine Jr.’s Website


Page 50—Start Them Young

EAA Blog: Gearing Up for my Glider Solo


Page 56—Affordable Aerolite 103

Website: U-FLY-IT Aerolite 103

Website: Vierwerk German Aerolite distributor


Page 68—When Modern Instruction Isn’t Enough

Website: Budd Davisson’s Website


Page 89—Member Central

Website: Membership Questions?

Website: EAA Flight Advisors


Page 96—Members and Chapters in Action

Website: 2017 Volunteers of the Year

Website: Fay Gregory Wins Dorothy Hilbert Award

Website: Brown Arch Brick Award Winners Announced

Website: Give Flight Homebuilts Wing Back to Oshkosh


Page 104—Ultralight World

Website: NTSB Accident Report MIA01LA120


Page 120—Shop Talk

Website: Budd Davisson’s Website

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