The Green Dot Podcast
By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor and Canadian Council Board Member
June 2017 - EAA has a new vehicle for sharing news about aviation. It’s a podcast called The Green Dot. You can subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher.
We’re really fortunate to have an ex-astronaut and ex-fighter pilot on the board of EAA in Charlie Precourt. In this Green Dot episode Precourt goes into great detail about what it is like to fly the space shuttle all the way to landing. It’s really a very nicely done recording with none of the wasted time and blank spaces common with less well-produced podcasts.
The Green Dot came to life in March and will be produced every two weeks. Other episodes already available include one by Mikey McBryan, one of the principal characters on Ice Pilots NWT, and another episode featuring Sonex founder John Monnett.
Of course, they didn’t have to land the space shuttle on The Green Dot, or did they? I guess you’ll just have to listen.