EAA Chapter 63 Young Eagles Event Success
By Mark Odegard, President, Chapter 63
July 2016 - Our Chapter 63 Young Eagles event at Springfield Flying Club, Winnipeg, on June 11, 2016, was a huge success thanks to the pilots—all 18 of them, which was a new record turnout for us. Thanks also to all the ground crew who helped out in so many ways, and of course special recognition for EAA Chapter 63 Young Eagles coordinator Joyce Stoyka. Each and every one of the volunteers made a lot of kids very happy. The team certainly received many positive comments from the parents and kids in attendance.
Staffing the mandatory barbecue
The weather also decided to cooperate with us this year!
In summary, we managed to fly exactly 100 youth for our event! This brings our chapter total to 1,589 youth flight experiences.
Volunteer marshals clearly visible
Just a heads-up for other chapters planning a Young Eagles event. The EAA insurance coverage now requires that Canadian chapters and their Young Eagles pilots have taken the quick online Youth Protection Program training. It is not necessary to take the background check, but it’s required to take this online course prior to flying Young Eagles.