This Magnificent Continent
By Ian Brown, Editor
September 2018 - I’ve never met most of you but had the privilege of meeting many, especially at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018 where I did my annual stint presenting on the complexities of crossing the border in a small airplane. Some of you may know that I recently remarried, and I’m driving around the United States in an RV with my bride. AirVenture was part of the route, and we’ve recently passed through the amazing grandeur of Utah and Arizona. As most pilots do, I look up whenever I hear an aircraft passing overhead. Right now, we’re in the relatively remote Coconino National Forest south of Flagstaff, Arizona. As I write this, at the refreshingly cooler temperatures at 7,000 feet, I hear light aircraft overhead and wonder what the view is like up there. I was reminded of my friends in Canada who routinely fly their 172s below 2,000 feet and wonder how they’d cope with starting altitudes of 7,000 feet or more.
You’ll see two articles in this issue about places you might like to visit, both with amazing scenery. I hope you enjoy the photographs.
Unfortunately, RV travel and flying don’t go well together so I miss my other RV, the 9A.
Please read Jack Neima’s “Pathways” article. I believe it’s a really exciting concept and can think of numerous examples of where it could have not only encouraged youngsters to stay involved in aviation, but also would have been a real shot in the arm for the older crowd and for the airport as a whole. Can you imagine a young newly qualified pilot being able to tell his friends, “I’m restoring an aircraft, then I’ll be a part owner”? Many of us reading this probably fall into the category of having the skills, the tools, and the time to get involved.
Why not think about starting a Pathways to Flight project? You’ll almost certainly get more out of it than you put in. Helping youngsters stay in aviation will also fill the funnel of members in your local EAA chapter, and all you need is a willing donor and access to a group of “at risk of losing them” young pilots. If you have a project in mind, contact Jack Dueck or Jack Neima using their contact details in the article. Then, you can send us an article about it when you’re ready.
On that last topic, we always have a bit of a post-Oshkosh lull in articles for Bits and Pieces, so if you have something in mind that you’d like to submit, please don’t delay. Your fellow readers would love to hear from you. A few paragraphs in an email with some photos attached is all it takes.
Safe flying and enjoy what remains of the summer!