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Our Amazing Trip Is Over — Now Back to Flying!

Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor and Canadian Council Board Member

October 2018 — Last month I mentioned that we were travelling in an RV, and therefore I was unable to spend time with my RV-9A. Well, it was an incredible trip through that amazing country to our south. The journey can be summarized in a picture I took of a sticker we attached to the RV before we left. It’s vinyl and comes with a set of stickers for each state and province. Every time we crossed a state line, we’d take the opportunity at the next stop to install the sticker for that state. In case you’re wondering, we went counterclockwise.


As you can see, we picked up some other stickers along the way, including one from Oshkosh. The Bayou Teche Brewing sticker represents just one of many breweries we visited along the way. It turns out that these microbreweries are often in out-of-the-way rural spots that are more than happy to welcome overnighting RVers. Our host at Bayou Teche was bilingual. He spoke ’merican and Cajun!

The trip took 14 weeks and covered more than 11,000 miles. Next project, I think it’s time to fire up the RV, the airplane, and maybe start thinking about the annual inspection. Thanks to Wijnand Horemans for sending in his article on his annual inspection checklist — I’m planning to use it.

You’ll notice that the Canadian map above is devoid of stickers. Next year, same plans for the RV (the vehicle not the aircraft), but a bigger circle including as much of Canada as we can squeeze into a summer of travelling. Maybe we can cover all the Canadian EAA chapters in the process. Face-to-face contact with some Canadian EAA members will allow me to bully a few of you into writing articles for your newsletter!

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