Befriending a Chapter
December 2015 - Many Canadians don’t live close to an EAA chapter, but the benefits of being able to get to chapter meetings are numerous. You’re probably already familiar with the location of your nearest chapter but if not, you can locate it at If you just enter your country and province here, you can see what chapters are in your area. If they’re too far for regular attendance at their meetings, why not see if you can at least befriend them. Since most chapters host fly-ins and barbecues, maybe you can get to those.
This is what you’ll see
Chapter membership is the grassroots of our organization. The benefits of befriending your nearest chapter might include:
- Access to expertise in avionics, airframes, engines
- Borrowing tools, scales, equipment
- Trading unused items
- Learning about aviation activities in your area
- Borrowing and lending books
- Getting on the distribution list for the monthly newsletter
- Access to pilot instruction on your homebuilt aircraft
- Formation of a new chapter
- Encouraging your local chapter to choose your airport for a fly-out
- Making great friends
The list could go on, but you get the picture. Why not contact your nearest EAA chapter right now and ask to be on their mailing list? Many of us start the flying season with good intentions, but a tap on the shoulder to join in can be just the motivation we need to fulfil the promises we made to ourselves.
Your Canadian Council will continue to promote Canadian chapters in whatever way we can, and your suggestions are welcome.