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First Full AirVenture for Canadians

It’s been a while

By Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces, Board member - EAA Canada Council

Your Editor
Your editor.

July 7, 2022 – Well, this is the pre-AirVenture issue of our newsletter. We’re all excited to be finalizing plans, and you will find lots of news about what we’ve been working on for what seems like years, but it’s really only months. You will see that we have several new presenters in the Canadian tent, as well as some of the more well-attended talks being updated. You can read all about it in this issue.

A few of us made it to Oshkosh last year, but we’re anticipating a full Canadian attendance this year, perhaps even a higher-than-usual number of Canadians due to the pent up appetite to just “get there”. Let’s hope that the recent baking hot weather over much of the U.S. will abate before the end of July. Camping is no fun when it’s too hot. Maybe we’ll have snow! Maybe we’ll just have too much rain, like we’ve had in several years at Oshkosh.

A special reach out to any of you with a history of repeat building, or having a favourite photo. Pierre Marcotte, EAA 98319, crossed both items off his bucket list this month. He wrote about his experience building eight aircraft, and also sent us his favourite photo taken from his latest aircraft project.

As a big fan of youth in aviation, it feels really good to have two Young Eagles event articles in this issue and to be looking forward to a Generation Z presentation in our tent at Oshkosh. New blood is so important to all of us in that “aging out” bracket. Yes, we can still fly, but our chapters need to add youth if they are to develop and get stronger.

As usual, thanks go to all our authors, new or old. Once again, you’ve put together a great series of articles.

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