Stay Inspired

EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

Welcome to Our New Writers!

Ian Brown, EAA 657159, Editor - Bits and Pieces

Your editor and his RV-9A

May 2023 – After last month’s editorial we were delighted that we received a significant amount of interest in writing articles for Bits and Pieces. In this issue we include several new authors’ efforts and we’re excited to welcome them.

If you are interested in writing an article or two, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Please don’t do any creative formatting. Keeping it all left-justified, 12 pt Times New Roman font, makes it easier to identify which articles have been through the editing process.
  • Please provide a byline that includes EAA #, location, chapter affiliation, chapter roles as the line immediately below the left-justified title.
  • We’ll check for grammar and spelling mistakes, but your efforts are appreciated.
  • Since this is an eNewsletter, articles can’t be too long. Try to keep under 1,000 words and include a few relevant, interesting photos.
  • Please don’t use .pdf formatting. A .doc or .docx file is best. The less we have to undo, the better.
  • Once you’ve finished your article, read it over and decide whether you stuck to the primary purpose of the article, or whether you added some pet peeves that may not be relevant. Remember, people are often reading your work on their phones, and the longer the article the less likely it is to get read.
  • Avoid using page formatting, too. Not all readers will be able to use it so headers and footers and page numbering should be turned off.
  • If you feel like you’ve digressed, you probably have. Ask whether it was necessary.

Thanks as always to our writers, new and “mature” this month. Your readers appreciate you. If you recognize any new names of authors this month and you like their work, please encourage them. For pilots in eastern Ontario and Quebec, you may be interested to know that the Smiths Falls Fly-In has been moved to June 4, 2023. If you attend, why not send us an article?

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