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EAA is your guide to getting the most out of the world of flight and giving your passion room to grow.

Welcome to IMC Advisor!

By Radek Wyrzykowski

Radek IMCOctober 2016 - I am very excited to present to you our first IMC Advisor — a newsletter for our EAA IMC Club community.

Our goal is to keep you informed on what the EAA IMC Club program is up to and to offer you information regarding what resources are available in our community. Whether you’re new to us or an old friend, we at EAA will continue to help make our community strong by bringing you helpful articles, ideas, and updates.

Throughout the year, we will send you stories and insights from our IMC clubs, our members, and aviation community leaders. Please feel free forward this issue to your friends so they can enjoy as well!

Do you have an idea or an aviation success story to share? We want to hear from you! Send us your ideas so we can help support each other and grow together!

As you remember, in November of last year IMC Club began our journey together with EAA. Since that time, IMC Club has been growing, and EAA chapters across the world are adding IMC Club programming to their chapters.

Government advocacy for pilots, third-class medical reform, valuable insurance discounts, and Sport Aviation magazine are all included in your yearly EAA membership — in addition to the new flight safety and proficiency programming in your IMC Club.

In the weeks after the integration I started to receive countless e-mails congratulating me on the integration. While the idea may have been mine, the success would not have been possible without everybody involved.

What I am trying to say here is the success belongs to all of us, or better yet, it belongs to all of you: our members, IMC Club coordinators, friends, donors, volunteers, and chapter leaders! Thank you!

A lot has been accomplished by us since the transition:

  • High-quality scenarios are now being produced monthly in EAA’s world-class audiovisual studios in Oshkosh, Wisconsin — available to all registered IMC Club coordinators.
  • A new EAA IMC brand with the EAA IMC Club page was created.
  • Different marketing and incentive programs are available to members and EAA IMC Club groups.
  • My presentation “What Is the IMC Club” is available to all EAA chapters and EAA IMC clubs in a high-quality downloadable video.
  • We have our own merchandise with IMC Club T-shirts, hats, pins, and patches available in EAA’s online store.
  • We have webinar training for all potential and existing IMC Club program coordinators. They can learn how to use available resources and conduct a very effective guided discussion.
  • IMC Club program coordinators are meeting with me monthly in an online town-hall meeting format to discuss ideas, projects, and concerns.
  • We have a place to continue the discussion of IMC Clubs on the EAA IMC Forums!
  • We have a place for IMC Club coordinators to discuss individual scenarios and find out the real story behind each presentation.
  • Customizable posters and other print materials are available online to all EAA IMC Club registered groups.
  • Our Safebook search for safety pilots to fly with is coming back online soon as a redeveloped state-of-the-art system.

As our new and improved EAA IMC Club map and locator is being finalized, the majority of transitioned and new IMC clubs associated with EAA chapters can be found on the EAA chapter map.

If you don’t see one near you, please ask me directly at More aviation safety and proficiency programs are being developed and will be available soon. If your IMC club chapter is not taking advantage of this growing opportunity, please let me know at and I will personally guide you through the process.

I have no doubt you will continue to support the IMC Club via your continuing EAA membership.

Please remember your membership and participation in EAA is what makes it all possible! Since its establishment in 2010, IMC Club has facilitated pilots worldwide to engage face-to-face, share their experiences, build individual proficiency, and improve safety by discussing real-world flight scenarios.

Thank you so much for your help, involvement, and support.

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