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IMC Club in Columbus, Ohio Merges With EAA Chapter 9

By Darlene Ford, EAA 802121

  • Chapter 9
    Darlene Ford, President of EAA Chapter 9 and Tim Heron, IMC Program Coordinator
    Photo Courtesy of Darlene Ford

January 14, 2016 - EAA Chapter 9 became involved with the IMC Club last spring when IMC Club Leader Tim Heron, EAA 356246, asked me if I could help get the word out about IMC to our Chapter 9 members. 

Heron explained that the IMC Club provided organized “hangar flying” presentations that help build proficiency in instrument flying. I immediately said yes and sent emails out to all the members in Chapter 9 as well as our aviation friends in the Columbus area. Tim is a great asset, not only is he a Chapter 9 member, but also is one of our Young Eagle Pilots!

The initial meeting was a great success. At least half of those who showed up for the meeting were EAA Chapter 9 members or friends. A relationship was born between the two groups. Each month more and more aviation enthusiasts would show up and would become EAA members. We had to buy more chairs!

At the December 2015 meeting I officially welcomed Heron and the IMC Club members into Chapter 9. Our panel of experts, who are CFIIs, are extremely proficient in instrument flying and answered many questions after the presentation. They are also willing to go up with someone who is a little rusty in instrument flying.

We at Chapter 9 feel this is a valuable and beneficial merger. Heron and his group are great to work with. I feel that if my chapter pilots attend these presentations and learn a little something new or get help with an issue they are struggling with, it can only make them better and safer pilots.

I encourage all EAA chapters to reach out to your local IMC Club and get involved. The IMC presentations are not just for those who are already instrument rated, but for those who are working on their rating, and also perfect for us “fair weather” fliers. IMC programming is beneficial for everyone!

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