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Keep Pressure On: ATC Privatization Legislation Delayed to House Floor

Use EAA’s Rally Congress to contact your legislators

February 25, 2016 – The expected move to the House floor of the FAA Reauthorization bill that includes privatization of the national airspace system did not happen this week, as the legislation encountered headwinds and opposition from a variety of sources. It remains important that EAA members continue voicing their concerns, as sponsors of the bill are working feverishly to consolidate support for their efforts.

EAA members have sent thousands of messages to their federal legislators, expressing opposition and concern for numerous reasons. Members are backing EAA’s position that ATC privatization is a bad idea that could limit access for general aviation, result in airline dominance over the national airspace system, threaten funding and services to GA, while not providing the cost savings and efficiencies claimed by supporters.

Use the online EAA Rally Congress portal to contact your representatives and senators on this issue. EAA encourages our fellow members and other GA pilots to study the background material and make their voices known to Congress.

EAA CEO Jack Pelton and EAA’s Washington staff continue to engage with individual contacts on Capitol Hill to make sure that lawmakers understand our position that this legislation does not serve the national interest, nor the best interests of either general aviation users or airline passengers.

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