EAA Insurance Solutions: Chutes & Trikes Insurance
By Bob Mackey, Senior Vice President, EAA Insurance Solutions Administered by Falcon Insurance Agency, Inc.
April 27, 2016 - In the years leading up to 1953 a bunch of aviation nuts in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, got together on a fairly regular basis to share their knowledge on building and transforming airplane parts into complete airplanes. Some of those airplanes had a strong resemblance to the airplanes from which their parts came, while others were completely new designs from the minds and hands of the builders. My how sport aviation has changed since that small group of aviators started EAA.
Today, when you stand on the compass rose on the grounds of EAA Oshkosh AirVenture you can turn and look in all directions to see how both the EAA and all forms of aviation —commercial, recreational, and space — have found inspiration. An exciting group within our EAA family, powered parachute and weight-shift control (trike) flyers, can be found in the Fun Fly Zone at the end of Runway 36. They’re just another example of how EAA embraces all facets sport aviation and harkens back to what Paul used to say: “For me it's a joy to meet airplane people. Whatever they fly, wherever they live.”
EAA is all about making aviation attainable for everyone. This includes everything from regulatory matters to the services needed to support aviators and their aircraft. For pilots and future pilots who want to build, own, and fly powered parachutes and trikes this includes the availability of insurance. In 2008, when nobody seemed to care about making insurance available to powered parachute and trike aviators EAA and Falcon Insurance Agency, with their successes in making insurance available to other aviators, recruited one of the leading aviation insurers to obtain coverage for this community within EAA. Today, the EAA Powered Parachute and WSC (Trike) Insurance Plan is the only option for such EAA members to obtain top quality insurance for everything from student pilot to flight school.
The EAA plan offers similar insurance that aviators will find for all other types of aircraft; aircraft liability insurance and aircraft physical damage (hull) insurance. Further the EAA plan can provide insurance for new student pilots all the way up to and including flight schools. Insurance is available for all states and can be customized to fit special operations on a case-by-case basis. Also, insurance for powered parachutes and trikes can be set-up to include over-the-road transport, which happens often with these highly mobile aircraft. More plan details are available on the EAA website.
As an EAA member you have exclusive access to a great resource with EAA Insurance Solutions. Call 866-647-4322 and talk directly to an aviation insurance professional from Falcon Insurance Agency Inc., or checkout your options for aircraft insurance on your powered parachute or trike on the EAA Insurance Solutions web page. With EAA Insurance Solutions you will find the right insurance at the best price!
Bob Mackey is senior vice president with Falcon Insurance Agency, the official administrators of EAA Insurance Solutions. If you have any comments about this article or if would like to see a specific aviation insurance topic addressed in a future article, send him an e-mail.