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BasicMed: Early Success Stories

May 4, 2017 - The FAA’s new BasicMed medical certification process officially began on Monday, and already more than 1,500 pilots have used the process to keep flying without the traditional third-class medical certification.

EAA has heard from members throughout the country who have already used the system, and have related or posted their success stories in using BasicMed. Some examples:

“I just completed the steps for BasicMed! I worked with my family doc as part of my regular physical so it was easy. Now I just need some decent weather so I can commit aviation.”

-       John F., Wisconsin

“Smooth sailing with my regular AME that I've seen for many years. I'm good for the next four years now. One bummer today, though. Went out and changed the oil in the plane but rain hampered my exercising this new rule on the first day.”

-       Dale M., Wisconsin

“Went very smoothly. My doctor said, ‘I have no problem signing that (form),’ and we were done quickly. He even asked me whether there were any more pilots in my flying club or EAA chapter who may need this done for them.”

-       Charles S., North Carolina

EAA’s BasicMed Resource Center is a great place to start if you’re seeking more information on how to use this simplified medical certification process. The FAA also has a website dedicated to BasicMed and some of the frequently asked questions

“There has been a tremendous amount of chatter regarding BasicMed, but now that the program is underway we can see how it works in real-life situations,” said Sean Elliott, EAA’s vice president of advocacy and safety. “It’s important that if you’re eligible to use BasicMed and interested in doing so, rely on more than just chatter. Explore it for yourself. By hearing these real-life experiences  rather than conjecture, we’ll learn how the system is working in practice.”

EAA’s member services and advocacy teams are also ready to help with any additional questions you might have about BasicMed.

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