Student Gets Young Eagle Flight with Sean Tucker
May 14, 2015 - Sean D. Tucker will perform at this weekend’s (May 16-17) Great New England Air Show at Westover Air Reserve Base, but on Thursday morning the hall of fame pilot got to take a future pilot up for a Young Eagles flight in the Team Oracle Extra 300 L. For Conner Rogers, 14, of Monson, Massachusetts, it was his first airplane flight, which he received after writing an essay about what the flight would mean to him.
“I have always wanted to be a pilot for my whole life, and I hope to be in the Air Force,” Conner wrote. “This flight would get me used to all the sharp maneuvers and stunts all the pilots in the Air Force would have to do. This flight would also mean that I get to ride in my first plane, and it would be a thrill.”
It was quite a thrill, according to a post on Tucker’s Facebook page: “Conner pulled an incredible 4 gs while up in the Extra! He is on his way to fulfilling his pilot and Air Force dreams in no time!”
Tucker makes a point of providing a Young Eagles flight at each of his performance venues.
The Great New England Air Show gates open at 8 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday, with static displays open at 9 a.m. Flying starts at 10 a.m.