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EAA Continues Push for PBOR II, Aeromedical Reform

  • Pilots Bill of Rights II
    EAA has worked tirelessly on its own and in conjunction with other aviation organizations, businesses, and interested pilots to push for passage of the Pilots Bill of Rights II.

May 28, 2015 - EAA’s government staff continues to meet with congressional officials to advocate for the Pilot’s Bill of Rights II (PBOR II), the best opportunity yet for long-awaited third-class medical reform. The bill has been gaining bi-partisan co-sponsorship for more than two months. Now, PBOR II is beginning to move through the legislative process in the Senate.

As meetings on Capitol Hill progress, EAA advocacy staff remains dedicated to fighting for the provisions of this bill, which has given so many of our members hope for the future of aviation medical certification.

EAA has been actively involved with drafting and championing PBOR II since EAA member Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) sowed the initial seeds for the bill. EAA worked with both House and Senate proponents of aeromedical reform to introduce the bill as an alternative to the medical rulemaking and exemption proposals that have been stalled at the Department of Transportation.

Since PBOR II’s introduction in late February, EAA has worked tirelessly on its own and in conjunction with other aviation organizations, businesses, and interested pilots, to spread positive word of the bill through the halls of the Capitol. As a result, PBOR II now has co-sponsorship from nearly a quarter of the Senate and more than 100 members of the House.

While our combined efforts thus far have yielded positive results, the job is far from finished, so the hard work on Capitol Hill continues. In ongoing meetings with members of the Senate and their staffs, EAA is reiterating the importance of the medical provisions of PBOR II. Currently, the concept of instituting a driver’s license medical certificate remains in the bill. Not everyone views the elimination of the FAA from the medical certification process for recreational aviators as a good thing, however.

This is where the real work happens. Our immediate goal is to move the bill forward through the committees with jurisdiction over the legislation and to the floor for a vote. Education, explanation, and sometimes compromise are required to gain the necessary support for a bill such as this to move forward. EAA is working in lockstep with our partners at AOPA and other organizations to advance these discussions, and we are sharing the concerns of our membership directly with lawmakers and their staffs.

The strong feelings of the GA community regarding PBOR II, and more specifically medical reform, have been evident with the overwhelming show of support through EAA’s Rally Congress tool. To date, more than 23,000 letters have been sent to members of Congress urging them to support PBOR II.

Many members of Congress have heard the concerns of their constituents and recognize the positive impact this bill would have on thousands of GA pilots. We thank each of you who have already shown your passion for reform. Those who have not contacted their members of Congress directly, please do so, and soon. Updates on the status of PBOR II will be shared as EAA continues to work toward a positive outcome for the GA community.

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