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From Young Eagle to Museum Docent

June 9, 2016 - Having young people on the EAA grounds and in the museum is one of the main goals of EAA. We want to increase participation and interest of our future aviators. We work to knock down the barriers that many young people face to becoming active in aviation. If you visit the museum on a Saturday, you will see one example of our success the minute you hit the door. One of the people who may great you is 14-year-old Menasha High School student Amber Johnson, EAA 773346. Amber has a deep interest in aviation and aerospace. She first came to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh and the EAA AirVenture Museum with her father, Dan Johnson. As her interest grew, so did her participation. Amber has taken part in the Young Eagles program and the Women Soar You Soar program, both of which she enjoyed very much, but she wanted a way she could participate with EAA more frequently.

On one of her visits to the museum, Amber met Leon Lutje, EAA 492116. Leon and Bob Havens have been spearheading a new docent class to get more people involved with the museum. Amber decided that the museum’s docent program seemed like a very interesting place to spend time and gain knowledge so she signed up as a volunteer.

Amber’s first day as a volunteer started in a unique way: Before her shift, she went flying in museum services rep Emily Noack’s, EAA 848998, vintage Aeronca Champ. “On my first day, I was just amazed at how nice everyone was. I was made to feel very welcome,” Amber said.

Amber encourages other folks her age to get involved with the EAA Museum and the docent program. “This is a great opportunity, and people should not let it slip away.”

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