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Continuing the Fight Against ATC Privatization

August 10, 2017 - Although the 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 2997), which includes provisions for privatization, was not passed before the House adjourned for August recess, the fight is not yet won. Even while on summer recess proponents of privatization are hard at work gaining support for the bill, and it could come up for a vote at any time after lawmakers return to work in September. EAA urges you to continue contacting your representatives via and EAA’s Rally Congress tool throughout the month of August and make your voice heard.

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In addition, many lawmakers are in their home districts during the August recess, meeting constituents at civic events and town hall meetings. It’s a great opportunity to stop by and directly express your opposition to ATC privatization.

EAA CEO and Chairman of the Board Jack J. Pelton outlined a number of concerns regarding ATC privatization in a recent op-ed published in The Hill, a leading political publication in Washington. As proposed in H.R. 2997, the privatized ATC system would be governed by a board dominated by commercial and financial interests. With no congressional oversight, the board would be accountable to no one, devastating general aviation, your freedom of flight, rural and GA airports, and the fly-ins and aviation activities you enjoy.

In addition, Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Indiana), an avid pilot and longtime EAA member, has compiled an excellent list of “Myths vs. Facts” on the 21st Century AIRR Act. It eloquently states the case against ATC privatization.

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