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North Fox Island Airstrip Reopens

  • North Fox Island Airstrip Reopens
    RAF Director Rol Murrow lands at North Fox Island in his Cessna 172.

August 20, 2015 - After several years, a 3,000-foot turf airstrip on North Fox Island in Lake Michigan has reopened after the Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF) and the state of Michigan reached a formal agreement.

“This is a spectacular recreational aviation destination that fits right in with the mission of the RAF,” said RAF Michigan liaison Brad Frederick.

Before the airstrip, which will appear on charts as 6Y3, could be reopened, volunteers from RAF worked to improve the area’s safety conditions.

“Restoration of the airfield, cones, windsock, and mowing equipment have all been done by a group of tireless volunteers,” Frederick said.

He said volunteers will continue to help with the upkeep and maintenance of the airstrip.

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