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EAA Webinars Surpass 200,000 Total Attendance Following Major Growth In 2020

September 24, 2020 – EAA's free webinar series, which has brought top aviation experts and personalities to online presentations for the past decade, has now welcomed more than 200,000 people to the sessions following substantial growth in 2020.

The webinars, which are supported by Aircraft Spruce & Specialty, have drawn approximately 30,000 people since March 1 as aviation enthusiasts sought both information and community during the COVID-19 pandemic. EAA expanded its webinar offerings to as many as four sessions per week in recent months.

"Reaching this attendance milestone well ahead of schedule is very gratifying to us, as it means we are reaching EAA members and other aviation enthusiasts with the information they want and the sense of community that is so important to us who fly," said Charlie Becker, EAA's director of chapters, communities, and homebuilt community manager. "The enthusiastic feedback we have received for this content means we'll be planning for even more in the coming months."

EAA's webinar series at covers the entire spectrum of recreational aviation, from learn-to-fly and aircraft maintenance to weather knowledge and aviation history. All live webinars are free to all, with nearly 600 archived webinars available to EAA members via the association's video library.

Many webinars are eligible for FAA WINGS and AMT credits through the FAA Safety Program. The upcoming series in October and November currently includes the following sessions, with more expected to be added:

  • Tuesday, October 6: (Homebuilders webinar series) $500 HUD; John Muzzoli
  • Wednesday, October 7: The Looming Mechanic Shortage; Mike Busch*
  • Wednesday, October 14: Strategies for Limiting, and Protecting Yourself From, Liability as an Aircraft Owner or Renter; Jack Harrington, Paul Herbers, Alan Farkas, and Jim Anderson
  • Tuesday, October 20: Emergency Bailout Procedures for Pilots and Survival Equipment; Allen Silver*
  • Tuesday, October 27: Flying Clubs – Growing Participation in Aviation; David Leiting
  • Tuesday, November 3: (Homebuilders webinar series) Van's RV-14; Greg Hughes

(* – Eligible for FAA WINGS and/or AMT credits)

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