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Tide Against ATC Privatization Grows

November 22, 2017 - Two notable editorials published this week have added to the wide-ranging opposition to privatizing the nation’s air traffic control system, with statements coming from those who have worked in aviation for government and industry.

James Van Laak, a former FAA deputy administrator who also worked at NASA, explained in an AVWeb editorial on Wednesday that the proposal currently contained in H.R. 2997 would do more harm to the air traffic system than any good it would bring. He added that pro-privatization arguments “seem to be weak and driven by political dogma.”

On Tuesday, NBAA President Ed Bolen and AOPA President Mark Baker joined forces in an editorial in the Washington Examiner titled “Air Traffic Control Privatization is Just an Airline Power Grab.” It highlighted just one devastating effect of privatization — the loss of support for the nation’s airports that serve smaller communities and general aviation. It also noted the concerns of three separate non-partisan government research agencies with the privatization plan.

While congressional attention has been focused on a number of other issues in recent weeks, it’s important that EAA members and all general aviation supporters continue to make their voices heard to their congressional representatives. With many lawmakers in their home districts over the holidays, it’s a great time to reach them by phone or in person to make your opposition to H.R. 2997 known. You can also contact your representative via the website or EAA’s Rally Congress page.

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