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Now is Time to Move for ADS-B Installation

December 21, 2017 — Joe Norris of EAA’s government advocacy team represented our organization at last week’s Equip 2020 meeting in Alexandria, Virginia, where the joint government-industry committee reviewed progress toward meeting the January 1, 2020, mandate for installation of ADS-B “Out” equipment for aircraft that will fly in controlled airspace after that date.

While a growing number of general aviation aircraft owners are making the commitment to install the needed equipment well ahead of the mandated deadline, there is concern regarding a late wave of installations causing delays for aircraft owners who wait until the final year before the deadline date.

“One thing we should all understand — the January 2020 mandate is not moving,” said Sean Elliott, EAA’s vice president of advocacy and safety. “The FAA and DOT have been adamant about that for the past three years. There are a finite number of certificated avionics shops and they will become very busy with installations as the deadline nears. Our recommendation is if you plan to fly in the affected airspace and have not installed an ADS-B unit, move toward getting that done as soon as possible.”

EAA has worked hard with the avionics industry to bring prices for basic rule-compliant ADS-B units into an affordable range for the average GA aircraft owner. In addition, EAA has been ensuring that amateur-built aircraft owners and S-LSA owners can install non-TSO’d ADS-B units provided they can be shown to meet the performance standards of the rule.

“This isn’t a situation where you can wait until the last minute, hoping that you can save a couple of dollars or that the mandate will be pushed back. That’s not going to happen,” Elliott said. “We also must understand this is part of a larger picture that includes the FAA’s effort to keep a schedule of airspace and air traffic modernization mandated by Congress. A significant level of noncompliance to the ADS-B mandate will give those who back ATC privatization more ammunition to use in trying to hand control of the airspace system to the airlines.”

For more information on ADS-B installation and whether the mandate affects how and where you fly, go to the FAA’s Equip ADS-B website.

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