Young Eagles Sparks Aviation Dreams for Siblings
February 19, 2015 - Ella and Benjamin Robbins started building remote-controlled aircraft when their brother Jonathan was given one at the age of 10. The trio soon had a “fleet” of unmanned aircraft. About four years later they took the next step toward potential careers in aviation; Young Eagles flights.
“One July day a pilot friend invited us to fly in his little Ercoupe,” said Ella, 17. Jerry Ward, EAA 476228, took each of them up separately and in no time they were all hooked on the idea of becoming pilots.
Ella started researching flight school programs and eventually found the Missionary Aviation Training Academy (MATA) summer camp near their home in Ferndale, Washington. By selling handmade bowls, socks, tops, and other crafts at a farmers market they were able to raise $1,500 to send all three to the camp last year.
Their next goal is flight training to earn their private pilot certificates, with the dream of becoming bush pilots some day so they can help people in hard-to-access areas of the world. The siblings, all EAA student members, have started an Indiegogo campaign to help raise funds for flight lessons.
EAA wishes the Robbins siblings good luck as they pursue their shared dream of flight!