EAA Signs as Supporter of UAS Safety Campaign, 'Know Before You Fly'
AUVSI, AMA, and the Small UAV Coalition partner to promote safe, responsible flying
January 9, 2015 - EAA announced its support of the new UAS safety campaign, "Know Before You Fly," today during the 2015 Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Expo in Ontario, California. The campaign provides prospective operators of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) with the information and guidance they need to fly safely and responsibly. The effort is being spearheaded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), and Small UAV Coalition in partnership with the FAA.
"There are tremendous opportunities to discover flight within the unmanned aircraft community, and we welcome initiatives that emphasize the responsibility that comes with this freedom," said Sean Elliott, EAA’s vice president of advocacy and safety. "EAA has always maintained that education is more effective than regulation, and the 'Know Before You Fly' campaign is a great step toward ensuring that this new technology does not disrupt the vibrant aviation activity already in place in America."
The founding organizations of the campaign - AUVSI, AMA, and the Small UAV Coalition - represent the vast majority of UAS users and manufacturers. It is the organizations' hope that the campaign will help ensure the safety of the skies for all aircraft, both manned and unmanned.
"AMA represents approximately 175,000 modelers and 2,400 flying clubs around the country, and safety for us has always been a core principle," said Bob Brown, AMA president. "As a co-founder of the campaign, this is a unique and important opportunity to show others that flying model aircraft can be a fun experience and best when done as safely as possible. We are thrilled that EAA has decided to join us in our campaign."
"There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm around UAS, and we are pleased to see the campaign continue to grow as we spread the word about safe and responsible flying," said Michael Toscano, president and CEO of AUVSI. "We want to ensure that all prospective operators know what they should and should not do with an unmanned aircraft, and the 'Know Before You Fly' campaign will serve as an important educational tool in that effort."
"Many consumers and industries are excited to use the technology, and we want to help ensure that people are aware of the existing safety guidelines," said Tyler Collins, on behalf of the Small UAV Coalition. "The 'Know Before You Fly' campaign was designed to make that information more accessible and educate users, across the spectrum, on safe and responsible operations."
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) also recently signed on as a supporter. The campaign plans to team up with manufacturers and distributors to inform consumers and businesses about what they need to know before taking to the skies. The campaign includes a website, educational video, point-of-sale materials, and a digital and social media campaign to ensure that prospective operators have the information and guidance on what they need to know before they fly a UAS.
For more information, visit www.KnowBeforeYouFly.org or follow the trend online with #KnowB4UFly.
About EAA
EAA embodies The Spirit of Aviation through the world's most engaged community of aviation enthusiasts. EAA's 185,000 members and 1,000 local chapters enjoy the fun and camaraderie of sharing their passion for flying, building, and restoring recreational aircraft. For more information on EAA and its programs, call 800-JOIN-EAA (800-564-6322) or go to www.EAA.org. For continual news updates, connect with www.Twitter.com/EAAupdate.
The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) - the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics - represents more than 7,500 members from 60-plus allied countries involved in the fields of government, industry, and academia. AUVSI members work in the defense, civil, and commercial markets. For more information, go to www.AUVSI.org.
About AMA
The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is the premier community-based organization in the United States for model aviation enthusiasts. With 175,000 members, the AMA is dedicated to the advancement and safeguarding of modeling activities. The Academy provides leadership, organization, competition, protection, representation, education, and scientific/technical development to the model aviation community. For more information, go to www.ModelAircraft.org.
About Small UAV Coalition
The Small UAV Coalition advocates for law and policy changes to permit the operation of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) beyond the line-of-sight, with varying degrees of autonomy, for commercial, civil, and philanthropic purposes. Its members include the leading manufacturers, operators, and service providers of small UAVs. For more information, go to www.SmallUAVCoalition.org.