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Young Eagle Pilots Receive Lightspeed Headsets

January 22, 2014 - Young Eagles pilots Mike Weimer, EAA 1046933, of Downers Grove, Illinois, and Jim Martyn, EAA 406468, of Blackstock, Ontario, Canada, are the lucky winners of Zulu headsets courtesy of Lightspeed Aviation. Weimer and Martyn where automatically entered in the drawing by submitting the Young Eagles registration forms for their flights.

EAA holds a quarterly drawing for a Lightspeed Zulu headset for active Young Eagles pilots. "Lightspeed Aviation graciously provides these headsets to support our program," said Brian O'Lena, EAA manager of Young Eagles and Youth Pathways. "Lightspeed is a valuable partner of the Young Eagles program, and we are grateful for their support allowing us to provide these quality headsets to our dedicated volunteer pilots."

To enter, simply do as Weimer and Martyn did - fly at least one Young Eagle and submit the Young Eagles registration form (must be postmarked by the end of the quarter in which the flight occurs). Young Eagles pilots are encouraged to send in their Young Eagles registration forms as soon after the flight as possible. Drawings for 2014 will be held for quarters ending March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. Good luck!
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