The VAC and You
By Rich Largent, EAA 512497, and John Nowicki, EAA 116894
January 2018 - This electronic age in which we live seemingly can provide almost instantaneous answers to any question posed and rebuttals to any comments made, whether they come from search engines and websites or any of the social media platforms.
We often wonder, with all the posting and tweeting going on, are our questions really being answered and are our thoughts really being heard? Who is really listening: friends, co-workers, who else? Is your voice really being heard, and if so, what can you say is the outcome?
Five years ago, EAA realized that with an organization that was truly member/volunteer driven, and numbering well more than 150,000, that there had to be voices out there that weren’t being heard. Since its inception, the core values of this organization have been grounded on the importance of the member/volunteer.
The volunteer and volunteering are closely related but yet considerably different. The volunteer is the person and volunteering is the action. All of us began with volunteering and very quickly became “volunteers.” We get asked a lot by a wide variety of people including some family members, “Why do you do it?” The answer is quite simple: Because we can, because we want to, and because we believe in the cause. Without engaged and enthusiastic members our organization would be lost.
The proposed approach to help illuminate the importance of volunteer ideas, recommendations, and concerns was the establishment of the Volunteer Advisory Committee (VAC). Our purpose continues to be as published in October of 2012.
To represent and promote the interest of EAA volunteers by seeking out avenues to promote recruitment, training, support, appreciate, and to properly recognize volunteers for their contributions.
This committee is composed of chapter leaders, AirVenture chairpersons, longtime EAAers, as well as newcomers. All sharing the desire to serve the needs and concerns of volunteers at every level of EAA. Like all EAA members, we come from all walks of life and from all over the country. We are dedicated to representing you to the best of our ability.
So here’s the catch, we can’t know of your ideas, recommendations, or concerns unless you let us know. Contact us. Communication is a two-way street. We can tell you what we are doing, but if we don’t hear from you, we can’t help you or the organization.
Every VAC member has made his or her e-mail address available and stands ready to listen, to hear your concerns and present your ideas to headquarters and other members and volunteers. We are a small group and can’t promise to move mountains, but if you have something to say, we’re interested.