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AirVenture 2015 Site Projects Ready to Go

March - With a site as massive as AirVenture 1,500 acres, there are always plenty of projects to keep the maintenance crews busy when spring arrives. Some projects are repairs, while others are based on input from attendees, EAA members, volunteers and exhibitors.

Just a few of this spring’s projects include:

Camp Scholler: Putting hard surface on roads to reduce dust and mud, depending on the weather, continues to be a priority. In 2015, Cottonwood Road and part of Cedar Street will be receiving the chip-seal hard surfaces, as these are two of the east-west roads most affected by those conditions. In addition, some campsites south of Schaick Road and west of the Doolittle Road tree line will be reconfigured to allow larger campers and motorhomes, according to state codes. There will also be continuing focus on drainage issues.

Relocations: 1) The Homebuilt concession building (NOT the Homebuilt Café) will be moved to the Ultralight area to provide a better, safer building for the Ultralight concession. The former site of the concession stand will become greenspace. 2) The Main Gate scooter rental concession will move west across Forest Home Ave., eliminating some of the pedestrian hazards created with people crossing the road in that area. 3) A sound deflection wall will be erected at Theater in the Woods, more effectively blocking sound conflicts between the theater area and Boeing Plaza.

Vintage: The Vintage Grill will move slightly to the south, accommodating a larger Vintage aircraft showcase area near the Vintage Red Barn. The Vintage Showplane Registration building will move south to the area near the Hangar Café and Emergency Aircraft Repair. Some of the exhibits on the east side of Wittman Road will be moved in the vicinity of the Red Barn, making the vintage flight line more visually appealing and freeing more prime aircraft parking space.

Main Gate: Additional hard surfaces installed in place of the existing gravel around the admission buildings. That will eliminate some of the muddy pathways in those areas.

Sanitation: Pitstop Services will take over the portable toilet, portable shower, and Camp Scholler dump station services. Waste Management is focusing on its refuse business and will continue to handle trash hauling duties.

Transportation: Several new, larger tram trailers will be built to phase out trailers that have reached the end of their lifespan.

As always, we welcome volunteers throughout the spring to assist with all projects on the grounds. Contact Katie Meyer at EAA headquarters, who will get you connected with the right people on our grounds staff.

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