Your Passion Finds Purpose

We’re everyone’s aviation association growing the spirit of aviation, and we look forward to your support.

Volunteers, Thank You for a Wonderful Year

Janine Diana and Katie Meyer

11-20-15November 20, 2015 - With Thanksgiving and the holidays right around the corner, it is time for us at EAA to reflect on the past year and what we are thankful for. We had another successful EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, a new group of Young Eagles, a great air tours season, and so much more. When you look back at all that EAA has accomplished it is inspiriting to see what the power of teamwork between EAA staff and our dedicated volunteers can accomplish.

We are thankful for the countless volunteers who travel to Oshkosh for their vacations each year to make EAA’s AirVenture Oshkosh a success. From the flightline volunteer who stands out in the hot sun for hours to Operation Thirst feeding our volunteers all day, you have made your mark on the World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration. As the planning process ramps up for AirVenture 2016, we can’t help but be excited for the summer months and for our Oshkosh friends to come home.

We are thankful for our volunteers who are with us year-round in Oshkosh. Their support through all of the seasons helps us continue to thrive. They have helped bring life to airplanes at the Weeks Hangar, bring the community into aviation through the museum and events, and have helped keep us connected with our members through our print mail department. We are blessed to have a community like Oshkosh and our local volunteers.

We are thankful for our volunteers out in the field spreading the spirit of aviation to their own communities. Thank you to the Young Eagles volunteers inspiring the youth, to the chapter volunteers inspiring the community and peers, and the air tours crew for bringing aviation to others. We appreciate all that you do.

We are thankful for the Volunteer Advisory Committee. This group of passionate people not only volunteer at AirVenture and out in the field but also spend the year working with EAA staff, providing advice and guidance on EAA’s volunteer program. Their passion and patience is inspiring, and they have been a pleasure to work with.

Enjoy the holidays, and we will see you in the new year.

From your friends in Oshkosh,

Janine Diana, EAA Lifetime 1082064, VP of People and Culture

Katie Meyer, EAA 1133651, Human Resources Business Partner

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