Volunteer Engagement: A Strategic Differentiator (A What?)
Janine Diana, VP of People & Culture, EAA Lifetime 1082064
Volunteers make a huge impact at EAA. Period. How do we know? Well we always knew it, but now we can measure it. So, let’s brag about us for a minute?
Last year was the first time we collected data during the fly-in on the total number of volunteer hours. In 2013, with just basic measurements, that totaled an impressive 140,000 hours. However, this year measuring was even more thorough and we logged almost 232,000 hours – an even MORE impressive number! With an improved data collection process and Volunteer Chairs doing a fantastic job collecting the information, we can brag about the impact volunteers have at EAA. Here’s more: Our volunteer numbers at convention were up by almost 700 volunteers over 2013. With more than 100 unique volunteer areas around the convention grounds, there are opportunities for everyone. More importantly, our volunteers are sharing with us that they are having fun!
In the latest Volunteer Engagement Survey EAA conducted in October, 97.3% of our volunteers said they plan on volunteering again. The survey, modeled after Gallup’s Engagement Index, reported that 95.2% of our volunteers are overall satisfied with their volunteer activity; a +.5% increase from 2013. When asked the question, are you “proud to volunteer for this organization,” a whopping 98.7% responded with an “agree,” “more than agree,” or “strongly agree” (70.3%).
Two areas of focus from the survey the last two years were 1) 24.0% in 2013, and 19.3% in 2014 of volunteers disagreeing or being indifferent to the question “volunteers are rewarded and recognized fairly and consistently.” The Volunteer Advisory Committee has taken on this task, with the support of the Volunteer Chairs. The committee drafted a recognition and reward guidelines for implementation in 2015. These guidelines will provide a tool for all Volunteer Leaders to reference. 2) “My opinions seem to count” was a question where 22.2% in 2013 and 18.3% in 2014 had no opinion or disagreed with. While that’s trending in the right direction, please know that your feedback is important to us and is valued by the Volunteer Chairs and Staff Liaisons at EAA. You can always email your opinions to feedback@eaa.org or contact any member of the Volunteer Advisory Committee. Your opinions count.
Are you bragging? Are you collecting volunteer hours in the field, at the chapter level? Just think about the impact EAA and its members are making in general aviation with all the hard-working volunteers like you giving back…..helping to make a difference.
Volunteers make an impact at EAA. We always knew it, now we can measure it.